Saturday, January 9, 2010

1st WeeK Of Skool..........

8th Jan 2010

2day was Friday! Shortest period in skool! However, it was the day we all have 2 brought the most textbook 2 skool! XP!  Around 5 of them-eng, maths, add maths, moral n sej! 4 the 1st 2 period, we had mesyuarat agung rumah sukan! HAHA! i’m yellow wit siang lin, shatish, dinesh n mun kit! GUD NEWS 4 DINESH! he was chosen as the Timbalan Pengerusi! Congratz~~! Later Back 2 Class! Our Eng Teacher- Pn. Suneeta! Later, we were asked 2 Break The Ice[Britney Spears featuring Justin Timberlake] of our partners tat sat bside us! Tat’s all! 12.25 p.m. GO HOME!

7th Jan 2010

OK! Yesterday we stress on chemistry! 2day we stress on BIO-the hardest subject[ i thought so]! waited 4 PJ but 2 bad there was no PJ! RAIN! so staying in the class doing homework! nothin special happening! 1.15 p.m. GO HOME!

6th Jan 2010

All of us including the new ones were in our new class 4 the first time in 2010!!2 bad 4 the prefects coz all of them went back 2 class late a bit! tat includes me! so no NICE spot 4 us! left the hot spot-sunny all the day spot! i was managed 2 get a spot beside the window n siang lin were sitting at my side! haha! he “KENA JACKPOT” coz he can copy my homework easily……. haha!  HAHA! Wat a coincident! Tat class was our form 1 class- 1 Cengal [2007] ! We still remember the C-shaped crack on the blackboard tat made by us [D.I.Y.] HAHA! MAFIAs!!!

Since it was the 1st day in class, we all will vote 4 our class organization – class monitor , ass. monitor,               k. kebersihan , others! After voting, these were the results! Our Class Monitor : Gan Ten Ern, Ass. Monitor : Darynn Wee [ our last year ex-class monitor] , Secretary- Rathini, The Treasurer a.k.a. ALONG! LOL! was Afiqah, wile 4 the K. Kebersihan post-haha, tis year not Thomas anymore coz he was not responsible! LOL! So we all Had decided 2 choose MUN YEE! HAHA! Hope tat u will do ur job bttr den Thomas…..LOL! Lastly, the K. Keceriaan- Sai Yit Wen, as usual coz she is very pro in decorating n arts! 

The class is still the same as last year-NOSIEST CLASS IN THE HISTORY OF SEMESTI N WERE BLACKLISTED BY ALL THE TEACHERS tat entered b4 our class…..Lol! XD! Even do Adly N AMir [the twin JOKERS] were not there anymore, Thee-PAn were still the same!==! 1st day of studying oso started 2 stress! The Chemistry was killing all of us! more den hundreds of chemical 2 remember! OMG!

ADD MATHS TIME! + – x we got a teacher. Do not contain offences! Our teacher were so called “not tall”!! LOL! XD! Even Ong Yi Xuan- The most tiny boy oso taller! So, later the teacher started 2 teach! Chapter 1 : Functions!! 1st was OK! No prob! Soon the class bcome more interesting! She[teacher] was teaching! she said, “Set A……………..” , “Set B…………….” n THE FUNNIEST PART! “Set C”!! All of us were laughing out like hell!! sure u all noe wat does tat means in –[negative] form! LOL! 
@_@ 1.50 p.m.- GO HOME!

5th Jan 2010

Arrived at skool as usual. Later all the form 4s’ were once again asked 2 assembly at dewan Gemilang 4 the distribution of class 4 form 4! Pure Science? Sub Science? Haha! I Sure choosing Pure science! How Bout The Others?? The answers were SAME! Later in the noon, the result of distribution of class were out! Hi N Bye at the same time! Unfortunate ones will have 2 leave……….So sad!! 2.30 p.m. GO HOME!

4th Jan 2010

1st day of skool in 2010………. Feeling wierd…… Felt different from the past. Someting had changed! But i dun noe wat…….. Around 6.50a.m. -arrived at skool! Haha. 2 early. no one was there…..juz a few others prefects…n a bunch of new form 1 students……….kinda lot! LOL! After tat, i met wit my frendz- Siang Lin, Mun Kit, Lau, Raneesh, Khairul n the others………Everyting went like normal.

Later all the form 4s’ students were asked to assembly at Dewan Gemilang 4 the briefing of all the subjects in form 4. Our 1st day of skool was wasted as we were sitting there 4 the whole day doing nothin…….damn bored! 2.30 p.m. 1st time we all going back home at tis time……..


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