Friday, January 22, 2010

3rd WeeK Of Skool.....

22nd January 2010

Friday! Merentas Desa! Run Like a chicken wit siang lin all the way! But, tis year is faster den last year! Gud! After tat, bought drinks n we all enjoyed talking around.Feel gud n weird! Juz like the feelings tat I said yesterday
Enjoyed ourselves. Walking around! Later, a few of us Siang lin, Lau , Mun kit, n I went back 2 claz 2 lepak! Damn Ong Yi Xuan! He locked all of us inside 4 more den 30 mins!

Later, was the prize giving ceremony 4 the winners of the merentas desa! LOL! 1st place- red house……..2nd place- yellow house….YAY! It’s yellow! GO YELLOW! Followed by Green House! N XD 2 the blue house, the loser of the day! HAHA! LOL! XP. Finished at around 11:50 a.m. We wen back 2 claz 2gether. Lepaking n talking crap around! Some even played poker! POKER FACE! Opened some songs loudly 2 shared around! Taking some pics! Taking my frendz pics including
It’s 12:05 p.m. Go Home @_@

Haha! Mun Yee playing IPod.......

Huh! Siang Lin, Andy, Chung Swee Yean n Calvin playing poker!

Siang Lin like a baby sitting on the table....LOL!

Mag, Darynn , Siang Lin were talking jokes.....

Huh! Siang Lin! Caught red handed! playing phone!

Last but not least, the greatest masterpiece D.I.Y of our class....WAKAKAKA!

21st January 2010

Thursday! It’s Thursday again! Police traffic again! Tis time wit new task! Have 2 “TANGKAP” ppl wit no liciense ridding a motorbike! Caught a few! Mod Maths, Add Maths BI n den BM! Komsas! Got 2 do the plot of the novel…. It’s a boring day! Sivik n chemistry. BORED! I dun noe y………..haiz! XD Chemistry no teacher! So, Khairul , Siang Lin and I decided 2 do our Add Maths homework. HAHA! We all do 2gether at Mun Yee’s table! Kinda Nice n Funny!

Later, Siang Lin is staying back at skool for PSS meeting! Siang Lin, Desa, William, my bro n I were lepaking around at dewan gemilang. Talking crap around! Kinda fun!

It’s 1:50 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

20th January 2010

As usual, have 2 become police traffic. Writing names n asking 4 their liciense n road tax. KM- Kemahiran maklumat.- Pn Lai! Bio, Pn. Norita! Nothin special. Next Sejarah! Den Recess. = =

Later Add Maths n den Mod Maths…….. LOL! BORED! Last, Physics!

After skool…waited 4 my mom n sis……….with my bro outside skool!

It’s 2:30 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

19th January 2010

Early in the morning, Khairul n I were going 2 pass up my essay. On the way, we met Pn. Nurlina- our EX-Prefect teacher. Now she getting a new post in the skool. She asked us where we wanted 2 go? Den we said we wanna pass up book. Den she asked us 2 pass up our book 1st. Next Guess WAT! Becoming a traffic controller. Putting 2 orange cones in front of the skool 2 avoid parents 2 drop their children too near the pagar which coz the road become JAM! LOL! XD while I am carrying a cone, Mun Yee arrived at skool. XP! LMAO! OMG! HAHA! Nothin oso….She saw me! LOL! She was shocked! Stopped moving 4 a few seconds! She laughed at me……hehehe. Lol! Smiled back at her. Late a bit, Pn. Nurlina asked me 2 write down the name of the students who ride motorcycle 2 skool. Haiz. Police traffic! Working on a rainy day!

Later back 2 claz! SHOCKED! There is a new student in the claz. A Indian girl. Seems 2 meet b4! LOL! Den oni I remember! She was one of the participant in the IQ Game tat we all joined last year.HAHA! Got 2nd place! Still remember! Mod Maths time….. suddenly came another 2 new students. One malay boy n one Chinese girl. The boy was like a gangster! Terrible! Chemistry next! Sivik! It’s Pn., Norita again! XD she t3ach sivik! Add Maths nothing! Recess time, I chased one r’shole from the canteen till block c top floor! LMAO! Damn that fellow! After recess, BI. Still studying bout the In the Midst Of Hardship. Next BM! Karangan! Ceramah! Crap!

It’s 2:30 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

18th January 2010

Monday…..New Timetable!! Arveen is back from India….In the morning, perhimpunan rasmi…..Tie n blazer….. 2day was the launching day of the skool web page….. LOL! It’s very long man….. GO! GO! Visit….n register! Kinda boring….next was PJ&K. 20 mins Dead N Gone [by T.I. feat Justin Timberlake] juz like tat….haiz…. enjoy pj coz can play football not foodball…..HAHA!

Upnext, English period. Pn. Suneeta came into claz. Duh! PASS UP ur essay… I am going 2 pass up, LOL R-veen appeared n he wan 2 borrow my book….Haiyo! 2 bad cannot pass up 2day…Later study literature – In The Midst Of Hardship! Taught us not 2 complain 4 wat we have now. We oso discovered a very logic n making sense FACT OF LIFE tat is “We, Human, never stop complaining not even 4 a second”! LOL! TAT’s true man….

After recess, it’s moral time…Go 2 4 Jati….Siao man! The claz is damn packed…I think got around 60 ppl. N 2day was the 1st day Pn. Tan Lay Kun taught us moral. Mod Maths n Add Maths period passed like thunder… Next, BM. something n nothing happened!

It’s 1:50 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

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