Friday, January 15, 2010

2nd WeeK 0F SkooL....

15th January 2010

WOHOO! It’s Friday! Kinda Fast! 1st subject…..Moral! 2day was the last day Pn. Azizah taught us moral…..HAHA! She had oni taught us 4 2 times only….coz the jadual will change n Our new Class teacher- Pn. Tan Lay Kun will teach us moral! During moral, I am sitting at the back wit siang lin, The-pan , sandeep n shatish….. No Choice Coz The Gals [Mun Yee, Jac, CC n Darynn] taken my place…..ERH!! It’s ok ! Nvrmine! Be gentleman bit…HAHA! LOL! Kinda fun oso sittin wit those guys at the back….tat the-pan non stop talking jokes coz-ing s 2 laugh like hell!! LOL! LMAO! DAMN FUNNY!

As we all knew, we were getting a new timetable… PJK is on Monday…..Claz teacher changed from Pn Neoh 2 Pn. Tan Lay Kun…. YAY! Bio teacher change back 2 Pn. Norita…..she had been teaching us Science since form 1 till form 3 n now she is going 2 teach us bio…..WOHOO!

Later, it’s English…..As Wt Pn. Suneeta said! She said she will teach us 2 transform pic into essay….WOAH! tat was tough! All the words have 2 use pro-words n not the basic one…haha! Got a prob! Nvrmine….later go home oni I do…… Add Maths like normal……LOL! Tis Siang Lin N mun kit were playing-tickling each other like GAYS! Den The-Pan use his phone 2 record them. LOL! LMAO! Damn Funny! They played until they lying on the floor…..LOL! den suddenly Ong Yi Xuan Come n sat on Siang Lin…..WAKAKAKA! everyone was laughing like hell! Damn funny!

Recess time again! Tis time I went 2 see the P.I. prefect again….tis time was a different Prefect…… it was shen mi, one of a skool prefect tat oso a P.I. prefect…. I told her n she said she will go n check later……HAHA! Den I said ok!

After recess, back in class…… waited 4 her 2 come but she did not come…..haha! wat a joke! Nvrmine…..Monday I go again…. Next, Mod. Maths….study some easy stuff = factorization of quadratic expression…. Later, Sejarah, Mesopotamia n mesir purba…..haiz ..Bored! HAH! Here is a general knowledge question….. => What is the name of the General who succeed in breaking throught the Great Wall Of China??? Haha! I bet u all dun noe….. It’s Gengkhis Khan, a well-known general in war during the past….. OK tat’s all I’m going back home 2 do my freaking essay 1st….HAHA! BB!

It’s 12:25 p.m. GO HOME @_@

14th January 2010

Thursday, pemilihan 4 sukan n permainan……I’m lucky…… permainan dalaman…arh man! Both my sukan n kelab’s teacher was Pn. Parvathy…..LOL! XD Nvrmine, I will juz give my card n run…..haha…..

Bio…time….. Pn. Marina came in n check our homeworks……careers related 2 biology. bored one…. She said y everyones’ almost the same…..LMAO! LOL! Sure mostly r same coz all copy from the internet wat! Siao!

Damn it once again! No PJ coz the jadual of Mr. Roy still got prob…need 2 wait 4 the jadual 2 change 1st……HAIZ!

Recess Time- b4 going 2 tugas, I went to bilik inventori 2 complain my chair….it is almost broken….i oso dun noe how tat Calvin sit until like tis….HAHA!LOL!den tat P.I. prefect said when the chair is broken oni come 2 change the chair! SIAO! Tat guy must be thinking I’m a [pak Ci]- MORON…..if broken den I have 2 paylah moron……. U think I will cheated by U….Dun dream! So I juz walk away…….

ADD Maths nothing….. BM, Pn. Hanifah did not enter! So we do nothing…..

Later, in the afternoon got Mesyuarat Agung[Jagung] 4 Pengawas! XP Have 2 go! Stay back in skool! Mom brought me my lunch! Slurp!!~~ Tasty chicken curry n some vegeS! 2:40 p.m.- the mesyuarat started! Nothing happened! Later, the announcement of the EXCO-EXCOs! Haiz I juz got a lame post after all! Penolong Dataran 1….LOL! N oso the penolong of kumpulan C in perhimpunan! HAHAHA! The Dataran is MInE!! U all r stepping on my territory! LOL! SIAO! N at least I dun need 2 handle classes…handling group is much easier…. But I got a new job 2 do! I have 2 help my ketua-Leong Ching yip 2 make sure everything goes smoothly…….PHEW!

It’s 4:00 p.m. GO HOME @_@

13th January 2010

OK! 2day was Wednesday……….In the morning, pemilihan kelab is going on…..2 bad 4 all the prefects tat includes me, have no chances 2 choose wat we want coz we went back 2 class late….[crying] damn! Oni got kelab Pengguna which is Tak Guna! HAHA! At least I’m not alone. Mun Kit is wit me……haha mun kit, 2gether we join tak guna punya kelab! LOL!

Later, Physics…..standard form, prefixes n scientific notation….. Ax10n…. micro, giga, mega, nano, pico n wateverlah!! 1st I dun get it….later I get it! HAHA! (<_>) 0K! it’s BM time….study bout rumusan, find the isi tersurat n tersirat 4 fungsi tanah tinggi di Malaysia dan kesan-kesannya………….. finished rite at the time b4 went 2 recess!

After recess, Mod. Maths n den ADD Maths…..nothin special…..lastly kimia……nothing oso…wat a boring day! Skooling SUCKS!

Haha, 2day skool finished earlier…at 1:50 p.m. waiting 4 my sis…..lame! haha nvrmine juz like never exchange! Tat day, got interview 4 new prefects…who gives a damn! I’m not going oso! Playing stone-football will my bro, Ray Jeevan A.K.A. Shay Given-Manchester City GoalKeeper N William Mah, The Nerdy Fellow…..while playing, tat William fell down…OUCH! Tat Hurts! Pity Him! Later we all walking out from the skool. 1st my bro took his belt……den we played a fool wit him…den I took his belt n put it into some other people’s bag! HAHA! LOL!! BAD B0YS!

It’s 2:30 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

12th January 2010

Early early in the morning, it’s BM! Karangan! We have to brainstorm early in the morning! O>O Pity all of us! Teacher gave us a karangan- “ROKOK” – cigarettes. Sounds easy……very common topic…..HAHA! but the prob is I dun noe how 2 start the karangan…….n the rules is u have 2 write more den 350 words! LOL! Tat was kinda lot………

Up next- moral…..the teacher was new in the skool….kinda kind teacher….dun shout at us but talk kindly 2 us….. gave us some work…..ARH!!! LOL! It, ok! XP! BIO…..tat teacher is absent….give some do in claz…..RECESS!

Mod Maths…, study n study oni…. Homework! Homework! Homework! A Lot ! Later, SEjarah…..nothin special…..

Oh! It’s Eng Period! Last 2! 1st we discuss about the grammar tat we had done yesterday! In the middle of the claz, suddenly we were called 4 teeth checking…..ARH!! Buka Mulut! Blek~~ Later back 2 claz……Writing time! ESSAY! She asked us to take out a pencil n our writing book….. den we were asked to close our eyes! Den we have 2 draw wat she said while we were closing our eyes! WOAH! Testing ur hearing, imagination n drawing skills….COOL! HAHA! Later we opened ur eyes 2 see wat we have drew… OMG! Tat was the crapest drawing in my life….. more den 70% of us SUCKS! Oni a few It’s ok….. at 1st, I oso dun noe y writing have 2 draw…. Den oni I noe…Pn. Suneeta said she will teach us 2 transform the drawing into an essay…..XD…..(^-^) Den we discuss about the pic…..Pn. Suneeta asked us to said wat we could see at the beach…..sand castles, n bla-bla-bla…..later, she asked us to name some type of birds tat can be found at the beach….seagulls……in a sudden, The-Pan shouted! COOL square + bird ………OMG! LOL! XD / XP Whole class was laughing like HELL!! DAMN FUNNY! HAHA! Even Pn. Suneeta oso laughed….Ridiculous! CRAP! REAL CRAP! The-Pan, tis time u r 2 over! Next time watch ur mouth!!

It’s 1:50 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

11th January 2010

In the morning, it was the 1st perhimpunan rasmi for 2010. Ends at around 8:40 a.m. It’s English period but juz left 20 mins. So, Pn. Suneeta gave us a book called ‘Grammar-thon’ I dun noel ah…..haha maybe the name is wrong! She asked us 2 do 5 freaking pages that contains more den hundreds of questions…..LOL!! Do until u DIE! N the sad part is we have 2 pass up 2molo…..Later, Mod. Maths…, study n study oni….

BM-learns 2 bina ayat in SPM FORMAT…..1st we thought it was very easy n same like PMR….but we were wrong! One simple word have 2 turn it into ayat…..XD…. Beli, membeli, belian, pembelian, membelikan n pembeli…… sounds simple rite? Actually not!

Let’s move on to next subject…..Chemistry…..Sodium chloride NACl, H20, n bla-bla-bla….. Later, kemahiran maklumat…..arh DAMN! It’s a waste of time! USELESS! Wasting time in library….. HAHA! Not reli oso coz I brought the Eng work wit me 2 do……

Last 2 period of the day- PHYSICS! 1st time the teacher came into our class…. WE Dun Noe Her, N She Dun Noe US! Haha! Her name Pn. Zaharah…… Wat is physics? HAHA! Easy! Study of matter, energy n the connection between them n ………… K study! Study!

It’s 2:30 p.m. Go HOME! @_@

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